A little Prep

I started the week-end with some lego building, laundry folding and then a little bit of prep to hopefully make my week a little less hectic.

 I made some coconut flour banana muffins last night that I am going to freeze and use for lunches and snacks this week. I made some turkey burgers (new recipe) that I am going to also freeze for later use. AND I made one of my favourite quinoa salad recipes to be enjoyed today, tomorrow and used for a lunch on Monday! I then remembered half way through that I hadn't made our daily smoothie breakfast so I threw that into the mix too. At least it was only one clean-up...which was done before I snapped the pics :)
Take advantage of the little bit of extra time you may have on the week-end to help you make healthier choices during the week! It's almost impossible if you don't!
I urge you to try this one. It's delicious and filling. I use the sweet potato instead of the carrot. If you aren't a sweet potato fan don't despair I have done it both ways and both are great.


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